Life's a riddle. It plays with you whenever it wants to. It fulls with laughter,tears,joy and sadness. Enjoy your life while you can xD

Saturday, December 25

Thank You, Allah.

  Dapat 8A, wow this is one of the happiest moments in my life.

Thursday, December 9

It's just another post.

Just read my cousin's blog. Wow, it's all about her friends and teachers and school St. Mary. She's 12 now. Gonna go for secondary next year but I don't know if she's going to St. Mary or not. By reading her blog, I now realized that my friends and I are gonna split from each other. But I appreciate our friendship that we built for this fun 3 years. Can't believe that time passes by so fast. The way you guys laugh, jokes and get angry. It will always remain in my memory. Tears suddenly coming down. I love you guys. Why can't you all stay? We gotta have a reunion in few years, a really great one in a gorgeous place. All of us dress up nicely, have our hair done, and do we have to bring our partners along? xD Wow, I think that's more like prom xD

* Gah, the tears. Signing out. -click